The NGHOA Staff Training and Development Policy provides a structure for all employees to grow professionally and learn new skills in a competitive environment. In addition, Policy focus on developing capacity of employees so they may promote into new positions and do their jobs more effectively.
The NGHOA Data Backup & recovery policy is a collection of standards and procedures that specify the organization's approach to creating backup copies of its data for storage. The Policy is describing the process of copying data, keeping it safe from harm or loss, and then transferring it back to another device.
This PSEA policy is the property of the NGHOA and applies to NGHOA’s all programs, advocacy and communication work, and not least within NGHOA. It is the responsibility of each user to keep this Policy secure and distribution to external parties should be approved. PSEA policy ensures that all NGHOA staff, associates, and partners are aware of their role and responsibilities in keeping communities and stakeholders safe from any form of sexual exploitation or abuse. The policy clarifies definitions and responsibilities regarding prohibited behavior and the associated PSEA procedures outline the reporting and investigation processes. NGHOA will not tolerate its staff, associates and partners to engage in any form of sexual exploitation or abuse.
The aim of NGHOA Stock Management policy is to ensure the continued availability of materials for rendering services to the community, by following due processes and procedures that are consistent with the council’s supply chain management policy and other applicable legal and Policy frameworks.
NGHOA is committed to placing accountability to people affected by disaster and conflict at the core of its emergency policy and practice, from preparedness and the onset of an emergency, through all phases of the program cycle. Accountability to affected populations (AAP) is applicable to all of NGHOA’s programs, whether humanitarian or development. It is highlighted in humanitarian situations due to the exceptional power imbalance between aid providers and recipients, and the urgent needs and increased vulnerability found within crisis-affected communities. NGHOA’s Policy to AAP provides a framework for addressing and integrating issues in emergencies such as gender equality, protection, the inclusion of the aged and people living with disability, and the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse by NGHOA and partner staff.
The Monitoring and Evaluation methodologies and Program and Project Frameworks are based on well-developed sets of indicators. These indicators provide the basis for pre- and post-analyses and define the positive and negative impacts of program and project interventions, foreseen and unforeseen, intended and unintended. The NGHOA MEAL policy has three main objectives which are, to monitor and evaluate results and impacts of (NGHOA) activities, to provide a basis for decision-making on amendments and improvements of policies, strategies, program management, procedures, and projects and to document, provide feedback on, and disseminate results and lessons learned.
The (NGHOA) Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy establish basic requirements to be fulfilled in order to safeguard NGO members and beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse. All (NGHOA) employees and allied staff are expected to act in an honorable manner toward the project's beneficiaries or fellow citizens, paying special attention to the needs of the most vulnerable groups, including children, women, the elderly, and social outcasts.
The purpose of HR policies is to manage employees more productively and ensure the organization’s smooth functioning. The inclusion of HR policies creators a base or a solid function for companies to manage and lead their employees toward growth and prosperity. The aims of (NGHOA) policy is to set down the, condition, rights and obligations of (NGHOA) employees subject to their performing of the duties and responsibilities in their respective career descriptions. From the time of hiring, each employee will have access to this policy, so that he/she can match to it with full knowledge and information. The policies describe bellow may at any time be subject to modification if the Board of Members of (NGHOA) deems it necessary. In such cases, employees will be fully informed of the changes made.
Feedback is an assessment of performance made with either positive or negative constructive criticism. The success of an organization can be increased through using feedback to improve employee skills, relationships, and communication in the workplace. Recognizing the importance of feedback can inspire you to use it to improve your workplace, your productivity, and the productivity of your team members. As a result, we value it when others offer us constructive criticism, suggestions, and complaints about our work because it can help us work more effectively. Investigations into complaints that are considered to be vulnerable (such as those involving fraud, corruption, abusive behavior, sexual exploitation, or child abuse) must be carried out with caution and in accordance with the unique standards and guidelines established by the NGHOA, as well as the team in charge of overseeing the office and its programs.
NGHOA Whistleblowing protection policy outlines the obligation of committee members, employees, contractors, and volunteers to report any suspected or confirmed instances of unlawful, unethical, or inappropriate events, behaviors, or practices involving NGHOAs financial and operational affairs. Moreover, to describe the procedure that must be followed for such reports. The policy further guarantees that anyone who reports such suspected or actual behavior in good faith will be protected from reprisal.